Monday, April 29, 2013

whimsy in carpinteria

Over the weekend, my best friend (and Man of Honor at my wedding) came up to SB for a long-overdue visit. We spent a lovely Saturday in Carpinteria, a town that makes SB look bustling and fast-paced. The beach is absolutely gorgeous and peaceful, and it was so amazing to lay in the warm sun and listen to the waves. Summer is coming!

(isn't The Husband handsome?)

We ended up wandering into Whimsy, one of the million antique / shabby-chic little shops on the main drag in Carp. It's a little bit expensive for my taste, but in retrospect things weren't terribly overpriced. Regardless, it's a great place to wander around and get decor or project inspiration!

I really wanted this giant metal star from an old barn:

And how cool is this arrow?

There were a ton of old photos for sale. I don't know how I would feel having a stranger's personal photos on display in my house, but they were certainly fun to look through. It was really neat to see old Model T-era cars and women in Victorian clothing.

(I really wanted this "O")

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely blog you have here ;). I love wandering around in shops like that. The yellow arrow is indeed cool and I also love the old books and globe!
